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License Agreement

Last update – June 06, 2023

Commercial Use

By default, all our products are available under a commercial license.

You have the right to use our resources in both personal and commercial projects without any royalties. Feel free to modify the resources according to your requirements and use them without any additional fees in all your personal and commercial projects.

For instance, you can incorporate these resources into a website you are creating for a client or for your own business needs. It is not obligatory  to attribute or credit to VisualTap in any of your projects.

However, we would appreciate it if you voluntarily promote our business.Please note that VisualTap will not assume responsibility for any consequences that may arise from the usage of our resources.

Can be used for

  • Use the asset in email marketing, mobile advertising, social media, or a broadcast program

  • Appropriate for custom work for a single client

  • Permissible for internal use within companies

  • Allowed for design of native apps or web apps

Cannot be used for

  • The product cannot be used in end products that are intended for sale.

  • The product cannot be modified or manipulated and used as a minor part of a project for sale.

  • The product cannot be resold or redistributed, even if you don’t make modifications or even if the source files are not included.

  • The product cannot be included to the design, theme/template or any product that you sell on any marketplace.

  • The copyright or owner rights of the product cannot be assigned.

Extended License

Extended license is required in case you’re a member of a company with a total number of more than 50 employees.

With the extended license, you are granted all the rights provided in the Commercial License.  Additionally, you are permitted to:

  • Reproduce the asset without being limited to a maximum of 500,000 copies or viewers.

  • Create merchandise or products for resale or distribution where the main value of the product is associated with the asset itself, such as a coffee mug or t-shirt.

  • Resell or distribute the source files associated with the asset.

Request Extended License

Freebie Products

You can use free assets in accordance to Personal and Commercial Licenses.


Even if you’re able to include or use any of VisualTap products under an Extended license, it is important to note that you are not permitted to claim the authorship of the purchased product as your own. You only get the license that allows you to use the asset only as specified in this license agreement terms.


  • Visualtap has the right to modify or replace the License Terms at any time.

  • The changes to the License will apply to the next subscription period.

  • Visualtap can change prices and revise the resource usage policy at any time without providing a reason.

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exceptional library of assets

Premium vector illustrations to bring style & consistency to your design system, website or product UI experience